خدمات درمانی پزشکی اتباع خارجی ( بیگانه )

خدمات درمانی پزشکی اتباع خارجی ( بیگانه )

خدمات درمانی انواع پزشکی برای کل کشورهای عربی . کل کشورهای آسیایی . کل کشورهای اروپایی . کل کشورهای آفریقایی و کل کشورهای امریکایی

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Rhinoplasty is an operation to resize the nose. Many people don’t like the shape of the nose because it doesn’t look good on their face. Even a slight change in the nose can make it incredibly beautiful. Patients who want to do rhinoplasty in Iran usually don’t like the abnormal small or large nose that doesn’t fit the rest of their face. Other patients want to correct bridge that is crooked or has a bump. Rhinoplasty will provide a beautiful shape to the nose while keeping a natural look that is suitable for the face.

Rhinoplasty in Iran is very famous all over the world and people from all countries come to Iran to do rhinoplasty in Iran. The nose has a great effect on facial beauty. Scientists have found the nose is one of the first parts of the body that is seen by other people.

Period of operation Rhinoplasty in Iran 1-3 hours. It’s better to stay in Iran for 10 days after doing rhinoplasty in Iran. One day in the hospital and the rest in a hotel or house that we will provide for you. The recovery from rhinoplasty in Iran begins four days later. Bruising and swelling usually do not occur. Doctors will remove stitches after about 6 days. You should only do easy jobs for 2 weeks and intensive workout should be avoided for 2 months.

Best City for plastic and rhinoplasty surgeons in Iran

Best rhinoplasty surgeons are doing the operations in Tehran. You can find the best quality and hospital services for a nose job in this city.

Through the corresponding with the specialist, you will have the resume, IDs, and certificate of our recommended specialist.

Contact us to get the full information of nose job specialists, by

Nose Job Tips and Advice

  • Get some hints from those who have done this surgery, speak with them and ask about their feeling before and after the operation. They will tell you about their expectation and the result, their satisfaction with their nose job.
  • Have an updated medical checkup and send it to your specialist


Get your Hollywood Smile now!

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Rhinoplasty in Iran ( Nose Job )

The experienced rhinoplasty surgeon can use either an endonasal or an external rhinoplasty approach, based on the patient’s rhinoplasty indications.

Most patients seek rhinoplasty surgery to improve the aesthetic features of the nose. Others may elect to have rhinoplasty for functional improvement of the nasal airway. Most often, both cosmetic and functional issues are addressed during rhinoplasty.

Indications include (1) aesthetic deformity, (2) patient request for a change in nasal shape and (3) improvement of anatomic nasal airway obstruction.

Etiologies of nasal deformity can be (1) hereditary/familial (eg, large dorsal hump), (2) traumatic (eg, after a motor vehicle accident), (3) iatrogenic (eg, unfavorable result from the previous rhinoplasty), or (4) congenital (eg, cleft palate nasal deformity).

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Rhinoplasty in iran

Rhinoplasty in iran :

Rhinoplasty describes an array of operative techniques that can be used to alter the aesthetic and functional properties of the nose.  Surgical access to the nose can be gained via incisions placed inside the nose (endonasal approaches) or via incisions placed inside the nose combined with incisions placed outside the nostrils (external approach), usually on the columella. Prior to the increased popularity of the external (open) rhinoplasty approach in the last decade, the terms rhinoplasty and endonasal rhinoplasty were almost synonymous. This somewhat artificial division between external (open) and endonasal (closed) rhinoplasty has become an established part of current rhinoplasty nomenclature. Despite this, both approaches share many of the same incisions, and many of the same principles apply regardless of the approach chosen.


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این متن دومین مطلب آزمایشی من است که به زودی آن را حذف خواهم کرد.

زکات علم، نشر آن است. هر وبلاگ می تواند پایگاهی برای نشر علم و دانش باشد. بهره برداری علمی از وبلاگ ها نقش بسزایی در تولید محتوای مفید فارسی در اینترنت خواهد داشت. انتشار جزوات و متون درسی، یافته های تحقیقی و مقالات علمی از جمله کاربردهای علمی قابل تصور برای ,بلاگ ها است.

همچنین وبلاگ نویسی یکی از موثرترین شیوه های نوین اطلاع رسانی است و در جهان کم نیستند وبلاگ هایی که با رسانه های رسمی خبری رقابت می کنند. در بعد کسب و کار نیز، روز به روز بر تعداد شرکت هایی که اطلاع رسانی محصولات، خدمات و رویدادهای خود را از طریق بلاگ انجام می دهند افزوده می شود.

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این متن اولین مطلب آزمایشی من است که به زودی آن را حذف خواهم کرد.

مرد خردمند هنر پیشه را، عمر دو بایست در این روزگار، تا به یکی تجربه اندوختن، با دگری تجربه بردن به کار!

اگر همه ما تجربیات مفید خود را در اختیار دیگران قرار دهیم همه خواهند توانست با انتخاب ها و تصمیم های درست تر، استفاده بهتری از وقت و عمر خود داشته باشند.

همچنین گاهی هدف از نوشتن ترویج نظرات و دیدگاه های شخصی نویسنده یا ابراز احساسات و عواطف اوست. برخی هم انتشار نظرات خود را فرصتی برای نقد و ارزیابی آن می دانند. البته بدیهی است کسانی که دیدگاه های خود را در قالب هنر بیان می کنند، تاثیر بیشتری بر محیط پیرامون خود می گذارند.

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